Senior Pantry Foundation: Helping Our Community’s Seniors Thrive

Providing essential resources and support for seniors in need.

Many seniors in our community struggle with economic hardship, facing a lack of proper food, toiletries, and household supplies. The Senior Pantry Foundation is here to help! We provide essential resources and support to seniors in need, including:

  • Food: Both non-perishable and perishable food items.
  • Toiletries: Essential personal care items.
  • Household supplies: Cleaning products, paper towels, and other household necessities.
  • Bill payment assistance: Help with utility bills and other essential expenses.

How You Can Help?

There are many ways you can help the Senior Pantry Foundation continue to provide essential support to our community’s seniors:

  • Donate: Financial contributions allow us to purchase food, toiletries, household supplies, and provide bill payment assistance. You can call us at +404-984-6212 to confirm your generous contribution.
  • Volunteer: We are always looking for volunteers to help with a variety of tasks, such as sorting donations, distributing food, and providing companionship to seniors.
  • Donate needed items: We accept donations of non-perishable and perishable food items, toiletries, and household supplies. See our “wish list” below for a list of currently needed items.

Wish List

  • Canned goods (fruits, vegetables, soup)
  • Pasta and rice
  • Cereal
  • Peanut butter and jelly
  • Canned protein (tuna, chicken)
  • Beans
  • Shampoo, conditioner, and soap
  • Paper towels and toilet paper
  • Laundry detergent and dish soap

Contact Us

The Senior Pantry Foundation, 195 Pio Nono Ave, Macon, GA 31204 +404-984-6212

Together, let’s ensure our valued seniors have the supplies they need to live healthy and comfortable lives!